The UNI pro is a great battery - canadianjewfro

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The UNI pro is a great battery - canadianjewfro

Post by Masshole_Vaper » Wed Nov 20, 2019 10:05 pm

What's the key factor effect you choose a vaporizer?
As we know there are many point related to a vape mod perfermance, and differ people have their owner view about it.
This post we will introduce some basic points about Yocan UNI Pro.

Battery capacity: The yocan uni pro has a 650mah battery which fully charges in 30-45 minutes via micro usb cable. Although it is not the strongest battery on the market, it definitely is good enough and will last you through the week on a single charge. I have used my battery straight out of the box for 4 days with moderate to heavy use and the battery meter did not even go down a single bar. On a scale of 1 to 10 i would say this battery is an 8/10.

Design: This battery is small and compact. It features a magnetic adapter for your cartridge and fits pretty much every cartridge you will see on the market. The uni pro includes the same two features the previous uni has which is height and width adjustment for your cartridge. This device also features a small OLED screen that shows resistance, voltage, timer and battery level. Overall this battery has a cool design and form and is packed with features. I give this battery a 10/10 in form factor and design.

Preheat setting: Thanks to the OLED screen on this battery you can see and choose your voltage ranging from 2.0V to 4.2V going. The battery allows you to change the voltage by increments of 0.1V and choose that perfect temp setting for your cartridge. The battery also features a preheat setting that last 10 seconds. This batteries temp control is great and it deserves a 9/10.

Build quality: The battery feels great in my hand in terms of form but the material used isn't the sturdiest. Only time will be able to tell if the build quality is truly good.

In conclusion the UNI pro by Yocan is a great battery that i do recommend. It is my go to now and i love the features this battery has. My overall score is an 8.5/10.

This post source reddit, and thanks @canadianjewfro
025 Yocan UNI Pro Box Mod - Twipu.jpg
The UNI pro is a great battery
025 Yocan UNI Pro Box Mod - Twipu.jpg (54.11 KiB) Viewed 13409 times
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Re: The UNI pro is a great battery - canadianjewfro

Post by frometa » Wed Nov 27, 2019 8:27 pm

Nice article.
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