Yocan Uni Pro Daily Outfit
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 5:49 am
You absolutely know our Yocan UNI Pro has a hanging hole, but how do you use it? Here is our yocan uni pro and a batman!
One more thing, the main features of it:
Patented box mod design
Fits all 510 cartridges
Width and height adjustment function
Adjustable Diameter Dial
10S Preheat
Voltage Range: 2.0-4.2V
Built with hanging hole
Mulitple colors
One more thing, the main features of it:
Patented box mod design
Fits all 510 cartridges
Width and height adjustment function
Adjustable Diameter Dial
10S Preheat
Voltage Range: 2.0-4.2V
Built with hanging hole
Mulitple colors