Base magnet fell out, now cannot get it out

The Yocan Evolve Plus XL is a larger more powerful system then the Evolve Plus but with the same amazing technology for all of your concentrate purposes.

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Base magnet fell out, now cannot get it out

Post by nerBeater » Thu Feb 16, 2023 11:00 pm

It might be upside down, not sure. I am use Evolve Plus XL

The base piece has a heavy magnet in it that the atomizer screws into and the mouthpiece connects to.

I wasn't getting a connection, just blinking lights, after cleaning and letting dry. I was going to try seating the magnet ring the other way, but now I cannot remove it. It's stuck. How can I take the base apart. It seems really foolish to fall out easy the correct way in and not be able to be removed if accidentally placed the wrong way. There is no 'this way faces out' on the magnet ring, but testing with some other things, I can totally FEEL the polarization. It's shorting cos the polarization is opposite what it should be, and it's REALLY hard to remove. How do you recommend doing so?
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Re: Base magnet fell out, now cannot get it out

Post by Sky » Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:43 pm

First of all, I am very sorry for this situation. You can contact the store where you bought this product for after-sales maintenance. Or you can read the product manual carefully and install according to the order in the manual. Hope you can understand!
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