Yocan Uni Twist - How does it compare to UNI Pro and UNI S?

The Yocan UNI Twist Universal Portable Mod is an easily considered the most useful mod ever made. Get your own Yocan UNI Twist Portable box mod today!

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Yocan Uni Twist - How does it compare to UNI Pro and UNI S?

Post by Michelle » Tue Dec 13, 2022 1:36 am

I recently purchased a Yocan Uni Twist from Yocan tech. I spent about 5 good days with it before writing this. Wanted to be sure I gave it a good test. Here's my honest, no holds barred review.

Device: Yocan Uni Twist. Black colour. Metal body. Shorter than the Yocan Uni Pro and taller than the Yocan UNI S. The twist mechanism is nice and tight. easy to read numbers. Nice big wheel for the cart size adjustment.

Quality: Holds up to the same quality as you'd expect from Yocan. Nothing is sloppy or loose.

Testing Carts:

Top Leaf Pink Kush (Full Spectrum)

Grey Beard KISH Live Resin (Live Resin)

Wayfarer Northern Lights (Distillate)*

Broken Coast Stargazer (Distillate)

*I did use my bubbler tube with the Wayfarer but not the others.

Results: Now here's where you want to know if the dial is in any way better than the buttons. Well it's not any better but it's not any worse either. The dial is nice and tight and it does what it's supposed to do. Pop in the cart, dial up the voltage close enough to where you want it to be, and have at it. While you can't be exactly precise in the way of saying you know it's at 2.2V, it's still in the ballpark enough to not make you care. Think of it as an old radio. you dial in what sounds the best and that's good enough. Will it be EXACTLY at a certain voltage? Without a feedback mechanism like the screen, you just have the dial to rely on. so put the arrow at 2.8V and assume that it's actually at that voltage.

Where it really shines is the form factor. it fits in the hand really well. it just feels really nice. I like it better in the hand than the Uni Pro and the S. It's made of metal and at first I wasn't sure how I felt about that because metal adds weight. After the first day of using it, I didn't even notice the weight.

My only gripe is the flashing light to indicate it's powered on is on the opposite side of the button. You have to kind of look at the other side to see if the pre-heat is activated or if it's powered off. Not a big deal but it would be nicer if the light was on the same side as the button.

So how did it work with the carts? Perfectly. But then, why wouldn't it? Each time I went to use it I quickly checked the voltage on the bottom and adjusted it if needed. Super simple to do. A small bonus is you can do it when the unit is powered off. Power it on, hit the button and it hits nice just like the Pro and the S.

One of the issues I had with the Pro was some .5g carts were not tall enough (even with the height adjuster set to the highest level) with my dab cap. The Twist is the perfect size for dabbing with any cart.

Overall I'm very impressed. I think it may just be my go-to device.


Feels really nice in the hand.

Slim and compact.

The twist knob is fast and easy to use


Indicator lights could be in a better place.

Difficult to see the dial numbers in the dark

No feedback as to what exact voltage you are using.

Ctto: u/missshapen_chaos

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