Yocan Evolve Plus exploded view[it's not a official photo]

The Yocan Evolve Plus is a uniquely (just like its counter part, the Evolve) vaporizer but now with a bigger chamber and battery.

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Yocan Evolve Plus exploded view[it's not a official photo]

Post by sjhbrmex » Tue Dec 18, 2018 10:51 pm

Yocan Evolve Plus atomizers, Dual Quartz Coils, Ceramic Donut Coils, as the attachment:
Yocan Evolve Plus atomizers, Dual Quartz Coils, Ceramic Donut Coils.jpg
Yocan Evolve Plus atomizers, Dual Quartz Coils, Ceramic Donut Coils.jpg (57.06 KiB) Viewed 6507 times
Pic source: https://www.vaughns-1-pagers.com/miscel ... manual.htm

Parts BLOW-UP Photo Listed from Top to Bottom

1. Mouthpiece

AKA Atomizer Tube

2. Coil-cup Cap - hole at top

AKA splash guard

3. Quartz Dual Coil/ cup

Steel melting chamber

4. Base for the coil cup

3 sets of threads

5. Battery

Rectangular Power Button near the top, with white light directly behind it.

Micro-USB socket on other side, directly across from the "Evolve Plus" logo. Be careful with the orientation - the widest side of the connector is nearest the Yocan logo. A RED charging LED is near the socket.

6. Silicone-lined CUP

For wax, crumble storage
(Shatter needs refrigeration).

There is no Yocan print catalog.
China does not use external part numbers.
There is no "version" control".
This makes it more difficult when ordering.
The same "tech device" can come in different versions.
--- Different options, different functionalities
Having part numbers for the coils would be very helpful.

Also read:
  1. Yocan evolve coils near me
  2. Do you know Evolve Plus coil tops Function
  3. How to TURN ON the Yocan Evolve Plus?
  4. How long does Yocan evolve plus take to charge?
  5. Yocan evolve plus e liquid?
  6. yocan evolve plus how to load?
  7. Yocan evolve plus how to use - video from VAPE
  8. Anyone's Yocan evolve plus leaking situation?
  9. Why my yocan evolve plus light stays on?
  11. Yocan evolve plus price discuss
  12. Yocan evolve plus replacement coils
  13. The Evolve Plus has performed almost perfectly - lineshjose
  14. Yocan evolve plus skin?
  15. Yocan Evolve Plus - Pro Tips & Tricks Update
  16. Yocan Evolve Plus exploded view[it's not a official photo]
  17. Do you know Yocan evolve plus wattage?
  18. Yocan Evolve Plus Power at Each Voltag (QDC Coils)
  19. Yocan Evolve Plus User Manual
  20. How long does Yocan evolve plus take to charge?
  21. Yocan evolve plus wholesale discussion
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Joined: Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:39 pm
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Re: Yocan Evolve Plus exploded view[it's not a official photo]

Post by cutis » Fri Jan 03, 2020 4:49 pm

Since Jimmy can't field warranty(s) gone wild, how do you access the internal switch and thermal inline fuseable link to fix all factory defects that jimmy can't handle valid warranty because of inundation?
Just screw in 7x0.5mm bolt and gently "walk" the pressfit outwards?
Is it just that simple?
That's the thread size inside the battery's female receptacle for "XL"
However, the "LOADED" has no battery female receptacle but instead accessed from underneathe, again interference fitup, but nothing to grasp to "walk out" the closure buttcap.
Any solutions that others have efforted since poor jimmy can't followthru?
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