Screen & Buttons OR Dial Mechnism? Yocan Uni Pro OR Yocan Uni Twist?

The Yocan UNI Pro is a Box Mod that features universal compatibility with all oil cartridges. Yocan UNI Pro Wholesale:

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Screen & Buttons OR Dial Mechnism? Yocan Uni Pro OR Yocan Uni Twist?

Post by Jhanlos » Sun Jul 04, 2021 11:43 pm

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We've been working hard to perfect the Yocan Uni series. On the Yocan Uni Twist, we replaced the traditional combination of screen and buttons with a dial mechanism to simplify the operations. But it seems like not a better option for those Uni Pro users to switch to. As far as the structure's concerned, the Dial Ring on the bottom indeed makes voltage adjustments way easier and straightforward. However, it's not a huge success as the previous yet trendy Uni Pro. That's pretty much a puzzle for us!

So we'd like to make a quick survey here that how do you like these two different features and what makes you stick to the Uni Pro rather than switching to the Uni Twist.

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